Top 3 Natural Treatments for Gout

Natural Treatment for Gout

With all of the gout medications you may be taking to treat gout, it is no wonder you may want to find a natural treatment for gout that will work for you.

There are a variety of treatments you can try, but keep in mind they should be an adjunct to your conventional treatments as prescribed by your physician, unless discussed otherwise.

So, without further ado, keep reading for some excellent ideas on how to treat gout the natural way!

1. Essential Oils

We all have heard about the supposed benefits of essential oils; in fact, I would wager a bet that you have a friend or two that spouts off on Facebook or Instagram about how essential oils have changed their lives.

However, essential oils have been used in traditional medicine for centuries and have only recently gained traction in mainstream culture as a treatment for a myriad of different maladies, including a natural treatment for gout. So, let's explore essential oils for gout in more detail.

Essential Oils for Gout

  • Frankincense: derived from the Boswellia tree, this makes it different from other essential oils, which are often derived from fruit, flowers and herbs. This particular essential oil is thought to reduce inflammation as it has anti-inflammatory properties, as well as provide gout pain relief.
  • Rosemary: this is a double whammy. It has anti-inflammatory properties, and it is also an antinociceptive. Antinociceptives can block pain signals received by the brain.
  • Thyme: chock-full of antioxidants, two of which are ursolic and oleanolic acid. These acids have anti-inflammatory properties. Thyme also inhibits nitric oxide, which increases inflammation in the body. When nitric oxide is blocked, inflammation will decrease.
  • Ginger: one of the most widely used and accepted essential oils, even in western medicine. It is highly researched and known to be effective. In fact, it has many uses, even outside the use of treatment of gout. For example, ginger is known to help with nausea, diarrhea, motion sickness, indigestion and heartburn. Regarding treatment of gout, in a research study performed on arthritis patients, 75% of the study participants who were prescribed ginger reported a reduction in pain in swelling.
  • Chamomile: another widely used essential oil and is used to treat many different maladies. Research indicates that it contains the compounds quercetin, Apigenin and luteolin – all of which exhibit anti-inflammatory properties. Chamomile may also have analgesic (pain-relieving) properties.
  • Turmeric: the grandparent of all essential oils, it is the one that everyone raves about these days. Whether it is used as an essential oil, as a supplement, or as a spice, turmeric has so many reported benefits, and the research just keeps coming. Research indicates that it is a potent anti-inflammatory agent and has analgesic qualities.
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How to Use Essential Oils

There are many ways to use an essential oil. However, according to CureJoy, the simplest way to use an essential oil for the treatment of gout is with a carrier oil.

  • Select the oil of your choice and a bottle of carrier oil (olive oil and coconut oil are both oils that you may have in your kitchen that is good carrier oils).
  • In a small bowl, mix a tablespoon of the carrier oil and 4-6 drops of the essential oil. Blend well.
  • Apply topically to affected joint and massage into skin.
  • Repeat two to three times per day.

All of the above oils can be used in this manner.

2. Supplements

There are a variety of supplements that can be taken that have reported benefits for the natural treatment of gout:

  • Vitamin C: may reduce uric acid. Some experts recommend taking sodium ascorbate as it is less acidic than ascorbic acid; the typical recommended dosage is 500 milligrams to 1,000 milligrams twice daily, but you should discuss this with your physician.
  • Apple cider vinegar: reportedly makes the body more alkaline. Apple cider vinegar for gout may help your symptoms. The recommended daily dose is 1 to 2 tablespoons in 8 ounces of water. This can be sipped throughout the day or drank in one sitting.
  • Baking soda: another reported natural treatment for gout and is supposedly a pain reliever. To try this treatment, mix 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in 8 ounces of water and drink in one sitting. This can be repeated several times throughout the day, with the maximum daily dosage being 4 teaspoons of baking soda in one day, and it should be decreased as pain improves.
  • Bromelain: a compound that is found in pineapple; it can also be purchased as a supplement. It is thought to be a highly effective compound in treating gout and may even have anti-cancer benefits.
  • Castor oil: can be used topically to relieve pain. Soak an old cloth with castor oil and apply to the affected joint. Wrap the fabric and joint with plastic wrap and a bandage. If you do not have any issues with neuropathy, apply heat to the joint as well. Leave on overnight.
  • Epsom salts baths: can be relaxing and also relieve pain! Place 1 to 2 cups of Epsom salts in a warm bath and soak for 20 minutes. You can also use a footbath if you desire just to soak your feet; place 1/3 cup of Epsom salts in the footbath with warm water.

3. Diet

Changing your diet is one of the ways you can treat gout effectively. There are some types of foods that offer an anti-inflammatory defense and others which lower uric acid levels:

  • Coffee: whether it is regular or decaf it appears to lower uric acid levels, but the studies do not show why it has this effect.
  • Cherries: both cherries and cherry extract reduce uric acid levels in the blood, as well as decrease the number of gout flare-ups. It's almost as if cherries and gout were meant for each other.
  • Blueberries and blackberries: these berries are loaded with a type of antioxidant that helps to protect the arterial walls damaged by gout. You can reduce inflammation by adding blackberries and blueberries into your diet.
  • Omega-3 fatty acid: there are some types of fish that contain high levels of omega-3 fatty acid. However, the sad reality is many people don’t get enough of this through diet. Thankfully, there are supplements available at your local grocery store or health food store.
  • Folic acid: this B vitamin is commonly given with B6 or B12 to reduce homocysteine levels, an amino acid that causes high uric acid levels.
  • Herbs: si miao san is a remedy that contains four different herbs to treat gout and support kidney function. Other herbs which may include birch leaf, juniper berry and devil's claw.
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