How Proper Nutrition Can Help Prevent Gout Attacks

Try These Great Foods for Gout

Eating a healthy diet is a must for people who suffer from gout. While medications can help to relieve suffering, proper nutrition is needed to minimize crystal formation and support the healing of tissues. Eating the recommended foods for gout sufferers does much more than relieve disease symptoms. By eating a primarily plant-based diet, rich in fruits and vegetables while low in foods filled with empty calories, health is optimized.

The dietary recommendations for gout are also beneficial for the health of the entire human body. Cholesterol levels may decrease and heart and circulatory ills may be prevented.

Most experts today know that inflammation is involved in the occurrence of most major diseases. By reducing inflammation from gout and eating an anti-inflammatory diet, every organ’s health is optimized. Energy levels may be enhanced and it will be easier to maintain a healthy weight.

In addition to eating a healthy diet, people who have gout must drink plenty of water to dissolve and flush out uric acid crystals.

Through implementing a healthy eating plan, over time you may no longer need medication for acute flare-ups. If flare-ups should occur, they are likely to be less painful and debilitating. Joint health may be maintained and deformity will be less likely to occur if a proper diet is maintained.

Several fruits and herbs are especially beneficial in the treatment and prevention of gout while promoting the health of the entire body.

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Research indicates that cherries offer many healing benefits for people who suffer from gout. Since cherries possess a very alkaline pH, they neutralize uric acid – the pain-producing crystals are unable to form readily within joints. In addition, cherries contain rich supplies of plant-based compounds called phytochemicals. The phytochemicals in cherries reduce inflammation and support healing.

Cherries are also good sources of iron, needed for the health of the blood, liver, and endocrine systems, and aids elimination. This is important because proper elimination is needed for the body to rid itself of excess uric acid. Uric acid crystals are dissolved and eliminated primarily through the urinary system.

Fresh cherries are best, however, they are often available for only short periods and can be expensive. Frozen cherries are often more economical and readily available. For convenience, concentrated, unsweetened cherry juice may be purchased at natural food stores.

Cherries or cherry juice should be consumed several times daily. Organic, dark-colored varieties are best.

Blueberries, Strawberries and Pineapple

While cherries are the best fruit someone with gout can eat, many fresh berries are beneficial.

Blueberries are packed with antioxidants and phytochemicals that prevent and reduce inflammation and pain. They are low in calories and high in vitamin A, which is an essential nutrient that supports the healing of tissues. Blueberries also contain ample fiber that aids in the elimination of toxins and inflammatory compounds.

Strawberries contain salicylates, which are compounds similar to the pain-relieving anti-inflammatory compounds found in aspirin. Salicylates have been shown to work more slowly than aspirin, but they work for longer periods. Salicylates in strawberries do not cause stomach irritation.

Strawberries also contain vitamin C, which is a potent anti-inflammatory compound necessary for tissue repair. They have an alkaline pH which helps to prevent uric acid crystal formation and possess mild diuretic properties that facilitate the removal of uric acid from the body.

As a bonus, strawberries also provide healthy potassium, and they may help to reduce high blood pressure.

Pineapples are a good source of fiber. They contain an enzyme called bromelain, which is used by leading herbal experts as an agent to decrease joint pain. Bromelain supports healthy digestion too.

Low Purine Vegetables

Vegetables are important for your overall health. Opt for veggies low in purine, like lettuce, beets, and cucumber. Red cabbage and red peppers are low in purine and also packed full of antioxidants, making them an excellent addition to your diet.

Raw carrots and onions are also good choices as they are low in purine and high in fiber.

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Herbs and Spices

Ginger is a warming, spicy herb that improves circulation and relieves pain. Healthy circulation is important as it aids the removal of uric acid crystals from the body. Multiple studies indicate that ginger is an excellent tonic for the entire body.

Turmeric contains yellow plant pigments that aid healing and support total body wellness. The spice contains a compound that prevents prostaglandins from forming. Prostaglandins are released as a result of inflammation within the body. As prostaglandin production decreases, pain, swelling, redness, and deformity diminish.

Turmeric also aids the body’s production of a steroid which is called cortisone. Cortisone is a very potent compound that reduces pain and inflammation.

Now you know what foods you should be eating, check out our list of foods to avoid for gout

Next page: more beneficial berries, plus the other fruits, vegetables, and herbs you should be including in your diet. 

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