Try These Acupressure Points for the Treatment of Gout

Acupressure for Gout

The pain of a gout attack is agonizing to say the least. This pain derives from crystals that have formed in the body, and have deposited in the joints. It’s critical to keep gout under control, as this condition may severely damage your joints.

Gout is a metabolic disorder caused by high levels of uric acid. Your body is not breaking down proteins and high purine foods, such as sardines when this happens. This is representative of Western medicine’s opinion of gout.

Practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine think about gout in a different way. They believe that the modern diet is too rich and also that there is a disturbance of both the spleen and kidneys. Using acupressure on two spleen points, SP 3 and SP6, and two stomach points, ST 36 and ST 40, best treats these organs according to Traditional Chinese medical practitioners.

SP 3 (the ‘Supreme White’ point)

This point is located at the head of the big toe where, it joins the long metatarsal bone of the foot. There’s a small depression at this location; hold the point between one and five minutes.

SP 6 (the ‘Three Yin Intersection’)

This is an important acupressure point to memorize because it lies at the intersection of the Kidney, Liver and Spleen meridians. SP 6 is used as an important acupressure point in the treatment of many diseases.

Here’s how to find this point:

  1. Find your anklebone on the inside of your foot. This is called the medial malleolus.
  2. Follow the tibia bone upwards with your fingers. Go three finger widths up from the medial malleolus and you will find this point.

ST 36 (the ‘Leg Three Li’ point)

To find this point, go to the medial (inside) part of your knee and locate the place where the tibia and femur. This point is called ST35. Place your hand at this spot with your fingers pointing horizontally. Count 3 fingers downward towards the foot and one finger width towards the lateral side of the tibia. This point is works well in the treatment of low immunity, general weakness, bloating, nausea, diarrhea and constipation, and poor digestion.

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ST 40 (the ‘Beautiful Bulge’)

Here we have another point near the knee. Find the ST 35 point and count eight finger widths down towards your foot. This point is also one finger width lateral to the tibia, moving towards the fibula. This point is helpful for breathing problems such as asthma, sore throat, laryngitis and weakness.

Middle of the Back of the Knee Point

There are several acupressure points around the knee that correspond to the health of your kidneys and bladder; these points may also help gout. Press and hold this point for between one and five minutes daily, as is done with other acupressure points.

Make learning about these points a priority. Once you’ve learned another way to maintain your health, you’ll gain more confidence in ability to manage your own body.

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