Treating Gout Naturally With Essential Oils

Essential Oils for Gout

When we think of gout, we often think of the word pain. Make no mistake – gout is painful, and there is a myriad of other symptoms that may go along with gout. Along with a multitude of medications your physician may ask you to take to manage your symptoms.

If you’re curious about natural ways to treat your gout symptoms, essential oils may help. Before you start the use of essential oils for your gout, please discuss it with your physician first.

Read on to discover which oils may help to ease your symptoms.

Your Symptom: Pain

There is a multitude of essential oils that can treat pain! We’ll discuss three that you may want to include in your arsenal.


Rosemary is an antinociceptive, meaning that it blocks pain signals received from the brain – thus it is a natural painkiller.

Recent research indicates that it also has anti-inflammatory properties, making it a double whammy in treating gout. It has been used for many years as a curative oil for gout.


Ginger is an extremely well-researched essential oil with a multitude of benefits. It has been practiced in Indian, Chinese, and Ayurvedic medicine for centuries.

It is prescribed to reduce both pain and inflammation, as well as to treat a bevy of other health conditions and symptoms.


Chamomile has a reputation for being a relaxing essential oil. However, it treats a variety of symptoms and conditions.

It is chock-full of amazing compounds – Apigenin, quercetin, and luteolin, these three compounds all have anti-inflammatory properties.

Your Symptom: Inflammation

Gout is an inflammatory type of arthritis. If you’re going to use essential oils to treat your gout symptoms, it is important to not only treat the pain but the inflammation as well.


Probably the most potent, powerful anti-inflammatory essential oil is frankincense.

Frankincense is derived from the resin of the Boswellia tree, as opposed to fruit, flowers, or herbs like other oils. It has long been used in traditional medicine to treat inflammation, as well as Ayurvedic medicine.


Basil may also reduce inflammation and has been used in India for centuries to treat swelling.


Thyme is another powerful anti-inflammatory essential oil.

It contains antioxidants like ursolic acid and oleanolic acid, which has anti-inflammatory properties.

Your Symptom: Itchy & Peeling Skin

Occasionally, your joint will become itchy as the pain improves. It may even peel. Fortunately, many oils can help both symptoms and one that will still help the pain and inflammation.


Chamomile oil can treat pain, inflammation, itchy and peeling skin.

In addition to its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties chamomile contains, it is also thought to assist with sebum (oil) production and help to balance your skin’s oil secretions.

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Lavender will work in much the same way, plus it is known to have a calming, relaxing scent.

Other Essential Oils to Try

There are also several oils that are thought to stimulate circulation, which can help since your skin is dry and peeling.

Examples include:

  • German chamomile
  • Geranium
  • Rose Otto
  • Rosemary
  • Lemon

Rosemary can also be used for pain, and geranium also has anti-inflammatory properties.

How to Use Essential Oils

There are many ways that you can use essential oils, but I would recommend applying it directly to the affected area – meaning, the joint that hurts!

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